
Before Change

        onset = np.zeros(num_comments, float)
        duration = np.zeros(num_comments, float)
        description = [""] * num_comments
        for t_idx, (_description, (_onset, _duration)) in \
            // extract the onset, duration, description to
            // create an Annotations object
            onset[t_idx] = _onset
            duration[t_idx] = _duration
            description[t_idx] = _description
        annot = Annotations(onset, duration, description)

    def _read_segment_file(self, data, idx, fi, start, stop, cals, mult):

After Change

        // loop through comments dictionary, which may contain
        // multiple events for the same "text" annotation
        t_idx = 0
        for _description, event_tuples in comments_dict.items():
            for (_onset, _duration) in event_tuples:
                // extract the onset, duration, description to
                // create an Annotations object
                onset[t_idx] = _onset
                duration[t_idx] = _duration
                description[t_idx] = _description
                t_idx += 1
        annot = Annotations(onset, duration, description)

    def _read_segment_file(self, data, idx, fi, start, stop, cals, mult):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: mne-tools/mne-python
Commit Name: 9b57cbd8ec711e3af33846e62ad7d1fbbdcaf5cd
Time: 2021-02-01
Author: adam2392@gmail.com
File Name: mne/io/persyst/persyst.py
Class Name: RawPersyst
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: IDSIA/sacred
Commit Name: 0d15284cbdf83502e8df1d9d637ae1fa1f59a55a
Time: 2016-12-21
Author: qwlouse@gmail.com
File Name: sacred/host_info.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_host_info

Project Name: explosion/spaCy
Commit Name: 925a852bb6450e16a23346e97a1813fc0fcb22a0
Time: 2019-08-01
Author: adrianeboyd@gmail.com
File Name: spacy/scorer.py
Class Name: Scorer
Method Name: score

Project Name: chartbeat-labs/textacy
Commit Name: eaaf2bad32af4bda1a98d434530926bb6a001230
Time: 2019-08-23
Author: burtdewilde@gmail.com
File Name: textacy/augmentation/transformations.py
Class Name:
Method Name: insert_synonyms