
Before Change

    def generate(self, dataset):
        from itertools import product, chain

        for part in dataset.parts():
            part.edges = []

            for ann_1, ann_2 in product(
                    (ann for ann in chain(part.annotations, part.predicted_annotations) if ann.class_id == self.entity1_class),
                    (ann for ann in chain(part.annotations, part.predicted_annotations) if ann.class_id == self.entity2_class)):

                index_1 = part.get_sentence_index_for_annotation(ann_1)
                index_2 = part.get_sentence_index_for_annotation(ann_2)

                if index_1 == index_2 and index_1 is not None:
                        Edge(ann_1, ann_2, self.relation_type, index_1, part))

class WordFilterEdgeGenerator(EdgeGenerator):
    Simple implementation of generating edges between the two entities
    if they are contained in the same sentence AND the sentence

After Change

    def generate(self, dataset):
        import warnings
        warnings.warn("Use `SentenceDistanceEdgeGenerator` directly. This will be deleted", DeprecationWarning)


Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: Rostlab/nalaf
Commit Name: ebe4256914107273feb1da940fc3e4237731365e
Time: 2016-11-11
Author: i@juanmi.rocks
File Name: nalaf/preprocessing/edges.py
Class Name: SimpleEdgeGenerator
Method Name: generate

Project Name: pysb/pysb
Commit Name: 8c4162c3666a2b238b2b60c3f94bb8102c4ef6cf
Time: 2016-04-05
Author: bachmanjohn@gmail.com
File Name: pysb/kappa.py
Class Name:
Method Name: set_kappa_path

Project Name: nilmtk/nilmtk
Commit Name: 5450357b1f51756786eedb0912ecce70565dd7c4
Time: 2014-11-05
Author: jack-list@xlk.org.uk
File Name: nilmtk/metergroup.py
Class Name: MeterGroup
Method Name: map_meter_instances_to_appliance_ids