
Before Change

                         pad_right=self.pad_right, ind_start=self.ind_start, ind_end=self.ind_end,
                         oversampling=self.oversampling, vectorize=self.vectorize, size_scattering=size_scattering)

        if self.vectorize:
            scattering_shape = tuple(S.shape[-2:])
            S = tf.reshape(S, batch_shape + scattering_shape)
            for k, v in S.items():
                scattering_shape = tuple(v.shape[-2:])
                S[k] = tf.reshape(v, batch_shape + scattering_shape)

        return S

After Change

                "Input tensor x should have at least one axis, got {}".format(

        if not self.out_type in ("array", "list"):
            raise RuntimeError("The out_type must be one of "array" or "list".")

        batch_shape = tuple(x.shape[:-1])
        signal_shape = tuple(x.shape[-1:])

        x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, 1) + signal_shape)

        // get the arguments before calling the scattering
        // treat the arguments
        if self.vectorize:
            if not (self.average):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Options average=False and vectorize=True are " +
                    "mutually incompatible. Please set vectorize to False.")
            size_scattering = precompute_size_scattering(
                self.J, self.Q, max_order=self.max_order, detail=True)
            size_scattering = 0

        S = scattering1d(x, self.backend.pad, self.backend.unpad, self.backend, self.J, self.psi1_f, self.psi2_f,
                         self.phi_f, max_order=self.max_order, average=self.average, pad_left=self.pad_left,
                         pad_right=self.pad_right, ind_start=self.ind_start, ind_end=self.ind_end,

        if self.out_type == "array" and self.vectorize:
            scattering_shape = tuple(S.shape[-2:])
            new_shape = batch_shape + scattering_shape

            S = tf.reshape(S, new_shape)
        elif self.out_type == "array" and not self.vectorize:
            for k, v in S.items():
                // NOTE: Have to get the shape for each one since we may have
                // average == False.
                scattering_shape = tuple(v.shape[-2:])
                new_shape = batch_shape + scattering_shape

                S[k] = tf.reshape(v, new_shape)
        elif self.out_type == "list":
            for x in S:
                scattering_shape = tuple(x["coef"].shape[-1:])
                new_shape = batch_shape + scattering_shape

                x["coef"] = tf.reshape(x["coef"], new_shape)

        return S

Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 42


Project Name: kymatio/kymatio
Commit Name: dce008fdb854987bf596f084024df3117a4c06ec
Time: 2020-02-18
Author: janden@flatironinstitute.org
File Name: kymatio/scattering1d/frontend/tensorflow_frontend.py
Class Name: ScatteringTensorFlow1D
Method Name: scattering

Project Name: kymatio/kymatio
Commit Name: dce008fdb854987bf596f084024df3117a4c06ec
Time: 2020-02-18
Author: janden@flatironinstitute.org
File Name: kymatio/scattering1d/frontend/tensorflow_frontend.py
Class Name: ScatteringTensorFlow1D
Method Name: scattering

Project Name: kymatio/kymatio
Commit Name: dce008fdb854987bf596f084024df3117a4c06ec
Time: 2020-02-18
Author: janden@flatironinstitute.org
File Name: kymatio/scattering1d/frontend/torch_frontend.py
Class Name: ScatteringTorch1D
Method Name: scattering

Project Name: kymatio/kymatio
Commit Name: dce008fdb854987bf596f084024df3117a4c06ec
Time: 2020-02-18
Author: janden@flatironinstitute.org
File Name: kymatio/scattering1d/frontend/numpy_frontend.py
Class Name: ScatteringNumPy1D
Method Name: scattering