
Before Change


    // text models
    texts = {
        "LatentDirichletAllocation" : LatentDirichletAllocation,
        "NMF" : NMF

    // support user defined vectorizer model
    if vtype in ("class", "class_instance"):
        if hasattr(vectorizer, "fit_transform"):

After Change

        data = [data]

    // get data types
    dtypes = list(map(check_dtype, data))

    // if all data are vectorizer objects and have the same vocab, skip vectorizing
    if all([dtype is "vecobj" for dtype in dtypes]):
        if all_vocabs_same(data):
            warnings.warn("Skipping vectorization step. Vectorizer objects "
                          "have the same vocabulary.")
        // otherwise, recover the original data for any vectorizer object
        data = list(map(inv_vecobj, data))

    // check the type of the vectorizer model
    vtype = check_mtype(vectorizer)

    // support user defined vectorizer model
    if vtype in ("class", "class_instance"):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 4


Project Name: ContextLab/hypertools
Commit Name: 8a9344ead3be54cf1d427b30888e0e84ffe4d20a
Time: 2018-01-22
Author: andrew.heusser@gmail.com
File Name: hypertools/tools/text2mat.py
Class Name:
Method Name: text2mat

Project Name: has2k1/plotnine
Commit Name: 035083f62466d569f2fbc576c887cf770bc5b057
Time: 2019-09-24
Author: has2k1@gmail.com
File Name: plotnine/stats/stat_density.py
Class Name:
Method Name: compute_density

Project Name: jazzband/django-debug-toolbar
Commit Name: 908b49cb7d2d527b701996f0d0b9e1e19e765819
Time: 2013-11-24
Author: aymeric.augustin@m4x.org
File Name: debug_toolbar/settings.py
Class Name:
Method Name: