Before Change
if "\t" in row["name"]:
raise FeatureDefException("Feature name field cannot contain tabs: "%s"" % row["name"])
if " " in row["id"] or "\t" in row["id"]:
raise FeatureDefException("Feature id field cannot contain whitespace: "%s"" % row["id"])
// Additional columns become key-value pairs
// Maintain input order
tag_cols = [c for c in reader.fieldnames if c not in BASE_FEATURE_FIELDS and c in row]
tags = OrderedDict()
for key in tag_cols:
After Change
allowed_id_chars = set(string.printable) - set(string.whitespace) - set("/,\""\\`")
for (idx, c) in enumerate(row["id"]):
if not c in allowed_id_chars:
if c in string.whitespace:
raise FeatureDefException(u"Feature id field cannot contain whitespace: "%s"" % row["id"])
msg = "Feature id field contains an illegal character at position %d: "%s"" % (idx, row["id"])
msg += "\nFeature IDs may only ASCII characters, and must not use whitespace slash, quote or comma characters."
raise FeatureDefException(msg)
// Additional columns become key-value pairs
// Maintain input order
tag_cols = [c for c in reader.fieldnames if c not in BASE_FEATURE_FIELDS and c in row]
tags = OrderedDict()
for key in tag_cols:
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 6
Project Name: 10XGenomics/cellranger
Commit Name: c1c5544326a7e2eb080101cf2ca29707b5e41736
Time: 2019-02-20
Author: patrick@10xgenomics.com
File Name: lib/python/cellranger/rna/feature_ref.py
Class Name:
Method Name: parse_feature_def_file
Project Name: facebookresearch/pythia
Commit Name: 2f337387d6759627bae60284e7fa612268580724
Time: 2020-09-15
Author: vedanujg@gmail.com
File Name: mmf/models/mmf_transformer.py
Class Name: MMFTransformerEmbeddings
Method Name: forward
Project Name: oddt/oddt
Commit Name: 58820b8cdc60dfd492430246b03abc0845b0e470
Time: 2018-05-17
Author: maciek@wojcikowski.pl
File Name: rdkit_fixer.py
Class Name:
Method Name: UFFConstrainedOptimize