Before Change
ttype = check_type(text)
// vector models
vectorizer_models = {
"CountVectorizer" : CountVectorizer,
"TfidfVectorizer" : TfidfVectorizer
// text models
texts = {
"LatentDirichletAllocation" : LatentDirichletAllocation,
After Change
data = [data]
// get data types
dtypes = list(map(check_dtype, data))
// if all data are vectorizer objects and have the same vocab, skip vectorizing
if all([dtype is "vecobj" for dtype in dtypes]):
if all_vocabs_same(data):
warnings.warn("Skipping vectorization step. Vectorizer objects "
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 6
Instances Project Name: ContextLab/hypertools
Commit Name: 8a9344ead3be54cf1d427b30888e0e84ffe4d20a
Time: 2018-01-22
Author: andrew.heusser@gmail.com
File Name: hypertools/tools/text2mat.py
Class Name:
Method Name: text2mat
Project Name: soft-matter/trackpy
Commit Name: cc410f68b6c1d1417322ec02e22ea7713ca0bc48
Time: 2020-03-18
Author: ruben@lighthacking.nl
File Name: trackpy/locate_functions/brightfield_ring.py
Class Name:
Method Name: locate_brightfield_ring
Project Name: daniellerch/aletheia
Commit Name: 1d275bddd7349b765db88c76ec7dcfdf85de0f42
Time: 2020-11-07
Author: kevin.clark@gmail.com
File Name: aletheialib/attacks.py
Class Name:
Method Name: difference