
Before Change

with tqdm.tqdm(train_dataloader) as tq:
    for step, (input_nodes, output_nodes, bipartites) in enumerate(tq):
        bipartites = [b.to(torch.device("cuda")) for b in bipartites]
        inputs = node_features[input_nodes].cuda()
        labels = node_labels[output_nodes].cuda()
        predictions = model(bipartites, inputs)

After Change

with tqdm.tqdm(train_dataloader) as tq:
    for step, (input_nodes, output_nodes, bipartites) in enumerate(tq):
        inputs = bipartites[0].srcdata["feat"]
        labels = bipartites[-1].dstdata["label"]
        predictions = model(bipartites, inputs)

Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: dmlc/dgl
Commit Name: 117dd25204611382acc7c9f460aeeb3a023ef721
Time: 2021-02-08
Author: coin2028@hotmail.com
File Name: new-tutorial/L4_message_passing.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: jadore801120/attention-is-all-you-need-pytorch
Commit Name: b25cc3a7e6a560c1fd47f36a43296f62eaaace36
Time: 2019-12-07
Author: jadore801120@gmail.com
File Name: transformer/Translator.py
Class Name: Translator
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: dmlc/dgl
Commit Name: 117dd25204611382acc7c9f460aeeb3a023ef721
Time: 2021-02-08
Author: coin2028@hotmail.com
File Name: new-tutorial/L1_large_node_classification.py
Class Name:
Method Name: