
Before Change

qt_module_obj = __import__("PyQt5.Qt").__dict__["Qt"]

for module_name in PYQT_MODULES:
        // This is always the top-level "PyQt5" module.
        top_level_module_obj = __import__(PYQT_PACKAGE + "." + module_name)

        // Grab the module we are interested in from the top-level module
        module_obj = top_level_module_obj.__dict__[module_name]

        // Merge symbols exported by the module with PyQt5.Qt
    except ImportError:
        // It is OK if some module is missing. E.g.: QtMacExtras is built only on
        // OS X and QtWinExtras is built only on Windows.

After Change

// The path to Qt"s components may not default to the wheel layout for
// self-compiled PyQt5 installations. Mandate the wheel layout. See
// ``utils/hooks/qt.py`` for more details.
pyqt_path = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, "PyQt5", "Qt")
os.environ["QT_PLUGIN_PATH"] = os.path.join(pyqt_path, "plugins")
os.environ["QML2_IMPORT_PATH"] = os.path.join(pyqt_path, "qml")
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: pyinstaller/pyinstaller
Commit Name: f87d98c6aa5a8dd8958c8b9e3ec6262c091acd28
Time: 2018-04-02
Author: bjones@ece.msstate.edu
File Name: PyInstaller/loader/rthooks/pyi_rth_qt5.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: 25ca9c249fd3e11bb166b42ffeb2433036964bd1
Time: 2017-07-05
Author: charleetje@gmail.com
File Name: brian2/codegen/generators/GSL_generator.py
Class Name: GSLWeaveCodeGenerator
Method Name: unpack_namespace

Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: 25ca9c249fd3e11bb166b42ffeb2433036964bd1
Time: 2017-07-05
Author: charleetje@gmail.com
File Name: brian2/codegen/generators/GSL_generator.py
Class Name: GSLWeaveCodeGenerator
Method Name: write_dataholder