
Before Change

    // The batch is (nL, nB, ...)
    nB, nO = Yt1.shape[0]
    // Variables:
    // At: Activations for this timestep, i.e. output of hstack(Xt, Yt1)@W+b
    // Yt1: Previous hidden-layer output (i.e. Y_{t-1}

After Change

    ho = sigmoid(At3_ho) // 1c
    hc = xp.tanh(At3_hc) // 1d

    Ct3 = hf * Ct2 // 2a
    Ct3 += hi * hc // 2b
    tanhCt3 = tanh(Ct3) // 3a
    Yt3 = tanhCt3 * ho // 3b
    // We don"t need the gradient for this, it"s just for backprop calculation.
    Gt3 = xp.concatenate((hf, hi, ho, hc), axis=-1)
    return (Yt3, Ct3), Gt3

def backprop_lstm_gates(
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: explosion/thinc
Commit Name: 5c3f7d5f5cd23ceb70d77ccdde7ee928d59439a9
Time: 2020-01-19
Author: honnibal+gh@gmail.com
File Name: thinc/backends/jax_ops.py
Class Name:
Method Name: forward_lstm_gates

Project Name: jadore801120/attention-is-all-you-need-pytorch
Commit Name: 15b19130a9162feb9153a2f38c5c8b0af02c6a1d
Time: 2018-08-21
Author: yhhuang@nlg.csie.ntu.edu.tw
File Name: train.py
Class Name:
Method Name: eval_epoch

Project Name: jadore801120/attention-is-all-you-need-pytorch
Commit Name: 15b19130a9162feb9153a2f38c5c8b0af02c6a1d
Time: 2018-08-21
Author: yhhuang@nlg.csie.ntu.edu.tw
File Name: train.py
Class Name:
Method Name: train_epoch