
Before Change

        img_path = self.img_files[index % len(self.img_files)].rstrip()
        img = np.array(Image.open(img_path))
        while len(img.shape) != 3:
            index += 1
            img_path = self.img_files[index % len(self.img_files)].rstrip()
            img = np.array(Image.open(img_path))
        h, w, _ = img.shape
        dim_diff = np.abs(h - w)
        // Upper (left) and lower (right) padding

After Change

        img = np.array(Image.open(img_path))

        // Black and white images
        if len(img.shape) == 2:
            img = np.repeat(img[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)

        h, w, _ = img.shape
        dim_diff = np.abs(h - w)
        // Upper (left) and lower (right) padding
        pad1, pad2 = dim_diff // 2, dim_diff - dim_diff // 2
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: eriklindernoren/PyTorch-YOLOv3
Commit Name: 7fffa98b9166a03b4a53fb40202d97b09e8e9036
Time: 2018-05-29
Author: eriklindernoren@gmail.com
File Name: utils/datasets.py
Class Name: ListDataset
Method Name: __getitem__

Project Name: ufal/npfl114
Commit Name: c343409098b4f4b8396119d9f26e040e479a0e2b
Time: 2020-04-20
Author: milan@strakovi.com
File Name: labs/08/speech_recognition_eval.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: metalbubble/moments_models
Commit Name: 5212f598c3d65670a0399afe0a7434e91a5556aa
Time: 2018-01-15
Author: alexandonian@gmail.com
File Name: test_model.py
Class Name:
Method Name: