
Before Change

def delta_t_hist(t, nbins=50):
    Build histogram of all possible delta_t"s without storing every value
    hist = np.zeros(nbins, dtype="int")
    bins = np.linspace(0, max(t) - min(t), nbins + 1)
    for i in range(len(t)):
        hist += np.histogram(t[i] - t[:i], bins=bins)[0]
        hist += np.histogram(t[i + 1:] - t[i], bins=bins)[0]
    return hist / 2  // Double-counts since we loop over every pair twice

def normalize_hist(hist, total_time):

After Change

    and then aggregate the result to have `nbins` total values.
    f, x = np.histogram(t, bins=conv_oversample * nbins)
    g = np.convolve(f, f[::-1])[len(f) - 1:]  // Discard negative domain
    g[0] -= len(t)  // First bin is double-counted because of i=j terms
    hist = g.reshape((-1, conv_oversample)).sum(axis=1)  // Combine bins
    return hist

def normalize_hist(hist, total_time):
    Normalize histogram such that integral from t_min to t_max equals 1.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: cesium-ml/cesium
Commit Name: 19fbae4ea6092bfc69e4f828febbd15f72365311
Time: 2016-11-10
Author: brettnaul@gmail.com
File Name: cesium/features/cadence_features.py
Class Name:
Method Name: delta_t_hist

Project Name: kbardool/keras-frcnn
Commit Name: 649325ff53812350688e3beea2979b0c7e62940a
Time: 2017-06-15
Author: yannhenon@gmail.com
File Name: keras_frcnn/data_generators.py
Class Name:
Method Name: union

Project Name: HazyResearch/fonduer
Commit Name: 0110937ab04f4298f98963bed1de08962d776b24
Time: 2020-07-01
Author: wajdikhattel@think-it.io
File Name: src/fonduer/utils/data_model_utils/structural.py
Class Name:
Method Name: lowest_common_ancestor_depth