
Before Change

            return [i-1, b, outputs]

        cond = lambda i, b, inputs_hat: i > 0
        loop_vars = [K.constant(self.num_routing), self.bias, K.sum(inputs_hat, 1, keepdims=True)]
        _, self.bias, outputs = tf.while_loop(cond, body, loop_vars)

        // Routing algorithm V2. Seems not right. This may duplicate tensors by self.num_routing times.
        for _ in range(self.num_routing):

After Change

            c = K.softmax(self.bias)
            c_expand = K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(c, 2), 2), 0)
            outputs = K.sum(c_expand * inputs_hat, 1, keepdims=True)
            outputs = squash(outputs)
            self.bias = K.update(self.bias, self.bias + K.sum(inputs_hat * outputs, [0, -2, -1]))

        // Handling with no routing scenario. Prior bias will always be zero.
        if self.num_routing == 0:
            c = K.softmax(self.bias)
            c_expand = K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(c, 2), 2), 0)
            outputs = squash(K.sum(c_expand * inputs_hat, 1, keepdims=True))

        return K.reshape(outputs, [-1, self.num_capsule, self.dim_vector])

    def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: XifengGuo/CapsNet-Keras
Commit Name: 80dd4096ed186e706775adbe3663b46d719efdb0
Time: 2017-10-31
Author: guoxifeng1990@163.com
File Name: capsulelayers.py
Class Name: CapsuleLayer
Method Name: call

Project Name: scikit-learn-contrib/DESlib
Commit Name: f7a04171e58eb43dfe5b18d06c76481cdf1c5da9
Time: 2018-03-29
Author: rafaelmenelau@gmail.com
File Name: deslib/dcs/lca.py
Class Name: LCA
Method Name: estimate_competence

Project Name: deeppomf/DeepCreamPy
Commit Name: a1e55d9cc2cc4efa7ef2f5245e866d8645d66c77
Time: 2019-06-17
Author: donald.carlsson@paranta.se
File Name: libs/utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: scikit-learn-contrib/DESlib
Commit Name: f0c15f219b0761b14329ddd416cda82fa4bae841
Time: 2018-03-28
Author: rafaelmenelau@gmail.com
File Name: deslib/dcs/mcb.py
Class Name: MCB
Method Name: estimate_competence