
Before Change

        if self.n > len(self.points):
            raise ValueError("n can"t be higher than the number of points in the PyntCloud.")
        remaining_points = self.points.values
        solution_set = list()
            random.randint(0, len(remaining_points) - 1)))
        for _ in range(self.n - 1):
            distances = [self.cal_distance(p, solution_set[0]) for p in remaining_points]
            for i, p in enumerate(remaining_points):
                for j, s in enumerate(solution_set):
                    distances[i] = min(distances[i], self.cal_distance(p, s))
        return pd.DataFrame(solution_set)

After Change

        select_idx = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(self.points))
        // to remain the shape as (1, n) instead of (n, )
        solution_set = remaining_points[select_idx: select_idx+1]
        remaining_points = np.delete(remaining_points, select_idx)

        for _ in range(self.n - 1):
            distance_sum = self.cal_distance(remaining_points, solution_set)
            select_idx = np.argmax(distance_sum)
            solution_set = np.concatenate([solution_set, remaining_points[select_idx:select_idx+1]], axis=0)
            remaining_points = np.delete(remaining_points, select_idx)

        return pd.DataFrame(solution_set, columns=self.points.columns)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: daavoo/pyntcloud
Commit Name: 59ec6660464bd378b20d4ae200c7614133a9a38b
Time: 2019-08-26
Author: hc.wang96@gmail.com
File Name: pyntcloud/samplers/points.py
Class Name: FarthestPointsSampler
Method Name: compute

Project Name: dask/dask-image
Commit Name: b470898504d2a077433a84e12a7c8078b2494760
Time: 2018-10-01
Author: jakirkham@gmail.com
File Name: dask_image/ndmeasure/__init__.py
Class Name:
Method Name: center_of_mass

Project Name: GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples
Commit Name: 63ea9b2637ce8e478c854b68d8af7ca42e19abcf
Time: 2020-09-22
Author: 35782177+melaniedejong@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: iam/api-client/quickstart.py
Class Name:
Method Name: quickstart