
Before Change

    n_thresh = recall_point * n_match
    tp = 0
    count = 0
    for label, score in sorted_scores:
        count += 1
        if label == 1:
            tp += 1
        if tp >= n_thresh:

    return float(count - tp) / count

After Change

def ErrorRateAt95Recall(labels, scores):
    distances = 1.0 / (scores + 1e-8)
    recall_point = 0.95
    labels = labels[np.argsort(distances)]
    // Sliding threshold: get first index where recall >= recall_point. 
    // This is the index where the number of elements with label==1 below the threshold reaches a fraction of 
    // "recall_point" of the total number of elements with label==1. 
    // (np.argmax returns the first occurrence of a "1" in a bool array). 
    threshold_index = np.argmax(np.cumsum(labels) >= recall_point * np.sum(labels)) 

    FP = np.sum(labels[:threshold_index] == 0) // Below threshold (i.e., labelled positive), but should be negative
    TN = np.sum(labels[threshold_index:] == 0) // Above threshold (i.e., labelled negative), and should be negative
    return float(FP) / float(FP + TN)
"""import operator
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 7


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Time: 2017-07-27
Author: ducha.aiki@gmail.com
File Name: EvalMetrics.py
Class Name:
Method Name: ErrorRateAt95Recall

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Time: 2019-02-25
Author: zhujm.home@gmail.com
File Name: loglizer/preprocessing.py
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Time: 2018-03-14
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File Name: dirty_cat/string_distances.py
Class Name:
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