
Before Change

        for i in range(nb_blocks):

            identity = resnet

            card_branches = list()
            for i in range(cardinality):

                if not downsample:
                    downsample_strides = 1

                branch = conv_2d(resnet, bottleneck_size, 1,
                             downsample_strides, "valid",
                             "linear", bias, weights_init,
                             bias_init, regularizer, weight_decay,
                             trainable, restore)

                if batch_norm:
                    branch = batch_normalization(branch, trainable=trainable)
                branch = tflearn.activation(branch, activation)

                branch = conv_2d(branch, bottleneck_size, 3, 1, "same",
                             "linear", bias, weights_init,
                             bias_init, regularizer, weight_decay,
                             trainable, restore)
                if batch_norm:
                    branch = batch_normalization(branch, trainable=trainable)
                branch = tflearn.activation(branch, activation)

                branch = conv_2d(branch, out_channels, 1, 1, "valid",
                             activation, bias, weights_init,
                             bias_init, regularizer, weight_decay,
                             trainable, restore)

                if batch_norm:
                    branch = batch_normalization(branch, trainable=trainable)


            resnet = tf.add_n(card_branches)

            // Downsampling
            if downsample_strides > 1:
                identity = avg_pool_2d(identity, 1, downsample_strides)

            // Projection to new dimension
            if in_channels != out_channels:
                ch = (out_channels - in_channels) // 2
                identity = tf.pad(identity,
                                  [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [ch, ch]])
                in_channels = out_channels

            resnet = resnet + identity
            resnet = tflearn.activation(resnet, activation)

        return resnet

After Change

    bottleneck_values = [64, 40, 24, 14, 4]
    bottleneck_size = bottleneck_values[card_values.index(cardinality)]
    // Group width for reference
    group_width = [64, 80, 96, 112, 128]

    assert cardinality in card_values, "cardinality must be in [1, 2, 4, 8, 32]"

    with tf.variable_scope(scope, default_name=name, values=[incoming],
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: tflearn/tflearn
Commit Name: 4959d01620ad25a34915119a2c473c918f5cacb6
Time: 2017-04-07
Author: aymeric.damien@gmail.com
File Name: tflearn/layers/conv.py
Class Name:
Method Name: resnext_block

Project Name: tensorflow/models
Commit Name: f7b4c6de2037ebedf6bc8ea5979e81666d54534f
Time: 2020-12-01
Author: rathodv@google.com
File Name: research/object_detection/meta_architectures/center_net_meta_arch.py
Class Name:
Method Name: convert_strided_predictions_to_normalized_boxes

Project Name: janfreyberg/superintendent
Commit Name: 1401e8bd2bdbccbedb696bd742e4934d5ba96fcb
Time: 2018-10-31
Author: janfreyberg@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: tests/test_clustersupervisor.py
Class Name:
Method Name: