
Before Change

    d3_shape = tf.concat([tf.shape(inputs)[:2], [-1]], axis=0)
    // Reshape inputs to [-1, dim]
    if flatten_inputs:
        inputs = tf.reshape(inputs, d3_shape)
    inputs_T = tf.transpose(inputs, perm=[2, 0, 1])
    inputs_flat = tf.transpose(tf.layers.flatten(inputs_T), perm=[1, 0])
    // Feed to the layer
    output_flat = output_layer(inputs_flat)
    // Reshape output to [batch_size/max_time, max_time/batch_size, new_dim]
    output = tf.reshape(output_flat, d3_shape)

After Change

            `[max_time, batch_size] + input_size` if :attr:`time_major=True`.
        input_size: An `int` or 1D `int` array.
    dim = np.prod(input_size)
    inputs_flat = inputs
    if flatten_inputs:
        inputs_flat = tf.reshape(inputs_flat, [-1, dim])
    // Feed to the layer
    output_flat = output_layer(inputs_flat)
    output_size = output_layer.compute_output_shape([1, dim]).as_list()[1:]
    output_size = np.array(output_size)
    // Reshape output to [batch_size/max_time, max_time/batch_size] + output_size
    output_shape = tf.concat([tf.shape(inputs)[:2], output_size], axis=0)
    output = tf.reshape(output_flat, output_shape)
    return output, output_size
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: asyml/texar
Commit Name: 3497526703e85981f39b643e923dcb1e40eec366
Time: 2018-06-04
Author: zhitinghu@gmail.com
File Name: texar/modules/encoders/rnn_encoders.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _forward_single_output_layer

Project Name: deepmind/sonnet
Commit Name: bc08dbfbe77554bf3458529285003f0bf92eecd3
Time: 2018-07-17
Author: fviola@google.com
File Name: sonnet/python/modules/nets/vqvae.py
Class Name: VectorQuantizerEMA
Method Name: _build

Project Name: deepmind/sonnet
Commit Name: bc08dbfbe77554bf3458529285003f0bf92eecd3
Time: 2018-07-17
Author: fviola@google.com
File Name: sonnet/python/modules/nets/vqvae.py
Class Name: VectorQuantizer
Method Name: _build